Friday, April 22, 2011


Welcome to Brooklyn Moms Talk!

We're three regular moms living in Brooklyn.  A momprenuer, an artist, and a writer.  We love to talk.  And there's plenty of stuff to talk about in Brooklyn:

Public schools.
Organic produce.
Street corner bodegas.
"Rent is too damn high!"
Public parks.

Oh my!  No, Brooklyn is not the suburbs.  There are no subdivisions, cul de sacs, ubiquitous minivans, and desperate housewives (that we know of).  And some would even argue, not the ideal place to raise children.  Au contraire, au pair (lawd knows we could sure use one of the those!).  From Coney Island to the Botanical Gardens; Brooklyn Bridge Park to Riis Beach; Prospect Park to the New York Aquarium; the Transit Museum to our local public libraries, Brooklyn can be the ideal playground for the well-rounded, cultured, bohemian hip, socially conscious child.

Our children range in ages three through eight.  We own and rent, volunteer at our kids' public school, shop at farmer's markets, the infamous Park Slope Food Co-op, thrift stores, hip boutiques, fancy toy stores, and love every minute of it--save for the occasional brouhaha that's all a Brooklyn brand of crazy.  Along with running a business, freelancing, and art making, we navigate motherhood as socially aware, health conscious, somewhat well-adjusted women raising families in Brooklyn.

Yep, we go hard!

Okay, not so much.  But we try.  Not so tiger mom-ish.  Say, an African hawk eagle mom, a gazelle mom, and a cheetah mom.  We'll explain later...

Margot, Ibi, & Helen

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Allergy Relief

Sniffling, sneezing, puffy eyes, itchy throat.  My family has it bad!  According to the Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America it is estimated that 40 million Americans suffer from indoor/outdoor seasonal allergies.  When my children were young I swore that I would not medicate them with over-the-counter elixirs.  I used herbs and down home remedies to heal them and quell their misery.  Well times have changed and while I still use echinacea and golden seal to boost their immune systems, I gave into allergy shots because things got really bad.

My oldest became allergic to everything pollinated - that included anything grown in the ground or on a tree.  Then she developed seasonal asthma which scared me to death.  I only allowed her to use the albuterol pump twice during the season while monitoring her closely and making sure she stayed indoors 90 percent of the time for two months.  What a horrible thing for an eight year old, but I didn't want her to become dependent on the medication.

This year I was proactive and began giving her Zyrtec before the season started, and so far so good.

Now for me and the hubby, a nasal cleanse works wonders.  You can purchase a Neti Pot at your local drug store or use a syringe bottle with a saline solution to clear the nostrils and help relieve allergy symptoms.

For more information on allergy relief, the Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America has a support community which I sometimes find helpful at

Until next time,
Happy healing and gesundheit!


Friday, April 15, 2011

Brooklyn Moms Talk Manifesto

I am not a maid
I am not a babysitter
I am not Claire Huxtable
I am not June Cleaver


I AM sexy
I AM an artist
I AM a writer
I AM an entrepreneur
I AM ...

As a stay-at-home mom you have to re-stake your claim in this world.  Sometimes people forget that you have the same interests and goals you had before those lovely little ones entered your world.  Of course your children have no clue of who you once were, therefore you must educate them.  This is a slow process and takes a bit of weaning, but with loving persistence they eventually get it.  We love the paths we chose and would not change them for anything.  However, we find it hard to strike that balance that all moms struggle with - attending to your children's needs as well as fulfilling your own.

Though we do not have all of the answers or solutions, we can explore them together.  Hopefully this blog will add another dimension to the shared mommy spaces in cyber world.  Stay tuned for tips, tricks, good conversation and webisodes.  We are looking forward to sharing our knowledge and experiences with you.

Until next time,